DVD: Doc: All Guantanamo is ours
37 mins 2016 documentary by Hernando Calvo Espina, Colombian journalist and filmmaker.
A timely and informative resource for people to better understand the real reasons for the existence of the US base on Cuban territory.
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"Guantánamo is an issue that almost everyone thinks they know about, yet in fact people know very little. The first time I read that Cuba had a US border on its own land I ran out and checked a map, and then ran to check on official Cuban documents. I could not believe it. With the occupation of Guantánamo we can see what Fidel Castro is talking about when he refers to “the dagger in the side of his people ..." Hernando Calvo Ospina
Since 2002 the word Guantánamo became associated worldwide with the ‘war on terror’ when the US government opened a detention camp at their military base to detain more than 1,000 suspected terrorists there. Few knew that the territory is a piece of land that belongs to Cuba, and has been illegally occupied since 1903, and still is.
Calvo Ospina uses this excellent documentary to explore the feelings and frustrations of the people of Guantánamo province who have had to endure this long lasting affront to their country’s sovereignty. The film speaks directly to those that live alongside the base and the many who make a living on this perilous border with the United States.
For the director, the film is also a way to explain the presence of the US base within Cuba and explain the history. As he says, there are many people across the world who actually believe that “Cuba is participating with the United States in the torture of prisoners” at the base.
For Cuba, the issue of Guantánamo is central to the ongoing negotiations with the United States. The US, for its part, insists that the issue of Guantánamo is firmly “off the table”. This film is a timely and informative resource for people to better understand the real reasons for the existence of the last remaining US military base in the world that is situated in a country that would rather have it gone and the land returned to its people.
Extracts from a review by Arleen Rodriguez Derivet
This review appeared in CubaSi magazine Summer 2016