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Ticket: Latin America Conference 8 February 2025

Ticket: Latin America Conference 8 February 2025

This will be the 19th annual Latin America Adelante! Conference. Recent conferences have attracted such speakers as Dr Aleida Guevara, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Ken Loach, Alberto Juantorena, Olympic gold medallist, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Walter Sandino, Robin Blackburn, Tariq Ali, Prof. Ernesto Laclau, Frances O’Grady, Mariela Castro, and many others.

Bringing together experts, academics, trade unionists, politicians, and activists from the UK, Europe and Latin America. Plus films, info and stalls from UK-based organisations.

Date: Saturday 8 February 2025

Time: 10am-5pm

Venue: Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BB

More details at

£10.00 inc p&p

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